How to manage software installed using Softaculous

If you’ve used Softaculous to install several different programs onto your account, you can easily manage all of those programs from the Scripts Installations page. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to access this overview page, and we’ll also explain the features available.

To visit your installed scripts overview page in Softaculous

  1. Log into your cPanel
  2. Under the Software/Services heading, click the Softaculous icon
  3. In the top menu, click the All Installations link
  4. You are now on the Script Installations page. Here, you will see a listing of all programs you’ve installed with Softaculous. For each program listed, you’ll have the following options:
    You can use the backup utility to backup both your files and database.
    The remove tool allows you to easily uninstall any program you’ve previously installed.
    icon_edit_detailsEdit Details
    This feature allows you to change your program’s installation details, such as the folder where it is installed and the database configuration details.
    If there is a newer version available of the program you’re running, this tool will help you upgrade to the latest version.
    Clicking the login icon brings you to your program’s administrative login page.

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